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Agent Creator

The Serena Agent Creator is an intuitive feature designed to simplify the process of creating AI agents tailored to your specific needs. This functionality eliminates the complexity of advanced configurations, allowing you to focus on defining your AI requirements through a guided conversation.

Getting Started

To begin creating your agent:

  1. Navigate to Serenity* AI Hub Home Page and locate the dedicated chatbox.

    Serena Access from home

    Serena chatbox in home screen

  2. Alternatively, go to Agents -> New Agent.

    Serena chat

    Serena chat, you can specify your needs or start with a template

  3. Type your initial message to start the process.

How It Works

Serena will engage you in a conversation to understand your AI needs. You can specify various use cases, such as:

  • Designing a chatbot for your webpage
  • Creating an agent to classify user reviews into different categories
  • Creating an internal assistant for an organization
  • Any other AI-driven task you need to accomplish

During the conversation, Serena will ask targeted questions to:

  • Define the application of your AI agent
  • Determine the most suitable type of agent for your needs
  • Gather any additional information required for optimal performance
  • Generate a suitable prompt

Knowledge Base Integration

You have the option to provide a website URL that Serena can use as a knowledge base for your agent. This feature allows your AI to leverage existing information relevant to its purpose.

Chatting with Serena to define an agent

Finishing Your New Agent

Once Serena has collected all the necessary information, you will be redirected to the Agent Designer, where you can try your agent and fine tune any additional details.

Final creation of the agent

Agent created by Serena based on the previous conversation.


✅ Start by specifying what you want the agent to achieve. Are you looking for the AI to assist with customer service, generate creative content, or provide expert advice? The clearer the purpose, the better Serena can meet your needs.

✅ Describe how the agent should communicate. Should it be formal, friendly, concise, or detailed? Mention specific traits that align with the task.

✅ Give examples of how it should handle specific scenarios. This helps set expectations and guides the AI's behavior.

✅ Describe who will be interacting with the agent. Knowing the target audience helps tailor responses to their needs and preferences.

✅ Provide any relevant background information that the Agent should consider when generating responses.

✅ Emphasize any must-include details or focus areas that should not be missed in the responses.